Saturday, August 29, 2009


Okay, I'm a sap!!! But this is still one of my favorite "love songs." If you are one of the 99% of humans that has ever had to be away from the ONE that they love for a good while, you just might be able to identify with this tune.

I started to post "The Duprees" singing this fave, because that's how I remember hearing it when I was a kid. It's worth a look, but I won't do it because it is really, really cheesy. The Duprees do not "emote" properly...but it's still the way I remember it.

(Oh, heck...I'll go ahead and post it anyhow.)

I settled on posting Jo Stafford's rendition. I only settled on Jo Stafford, because I know for certain that one of my bloggy buddies that stops by Andy's Place occasionally is a HUGE Jo Stafford fan. He is very old, and I think had a big-time crush on her when he was in his mid-thirties. Nyuk!

So, here is Jo... But be sure to scroll down and look at The Duprees.

Dangit...the truth is that I never heard this song when I was a kid. The first time I heard it was in some film that The Mrs. dragged me to when I was in my 20's (I think...I know for sure it was a long time ago). The guy that sang it in the film was John Belushi. He was playing the film role of somebody like "Larry The Lounge Lizard" in some film with the chick from LaVerne & Shirley. (It was Shirley, I'm pretty sure...if you know the name of that film I'd appreciate you letting me know. It was okay, as films go.)

For youknowwhoyouare, Jo Stafford:

The Duprees


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