13 YEARS!?!?

"Dollar Bill" Jefferson (former Congressman, Democrat, Louisiana-2) received a sentence of 13 years for bribery & corruption convictions today. It was the harshest sentence ever handed down to a former Congressman.
This judge is obviously a RACIST! Jefferson only took $478,000 in bribe money...and he gets 13 years? Why, the very white Republican California Congressman, Duke Cunningham, took almost $2.5 MILLION in bribes...and only got an invitation for 8 years at the GrayBar Hotel.
Oh, and let us not forget the vaunted coonass, "Fast Eddie" Edwards, former Goober of Louisiana. Edwin probably extorted, and received bribes for multiple millions. His sentence? 10 measly years...
I'll swear! The American negro just can not get a fair shake...I mean, even coonasses get off lighter than the negro in this country! Racists...phfft!
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