Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I'm stuck...

Well, actually I've got three or four threads running through my rapidly balding head. I'm pondering whether we should pull out of Afghanistan, or not. And, I'm pondering whether Sarah Palin can ever be a serious candidate for President. And, I'm pondering the discovery of fire.

But, I haven't made a firm decision on any of it...yet. Well, I know for sure that I am all for "fire," but I'm still confused as to how it got figured out, but I digress.

So, when I was a kid, out at Ford Park, there was a chimpanzee that they kept in a cage. We didn't have a zoo around here, so it was interesting to go look at the monkey. People would light up a cigarette, and throw it in the cage. The chimp would pick it up, and smoke it. It was great fun to watch! (We didn't have a lot of entertaining stuff around in those days)

But, I've never seen a monkey smoke a pipe. Courtesy of Walt...

Like I said, I. GOT. NUTHIN'!!!


  1. "Well, actually I've got three or four threads running through my rapidly balding head. I'm pondering whether we should pull out of Afghanistan, or not. And, I'm pondering whether Sarah Palin can ever be a serious candidate for President. And, I'm pondering the discovery of fire."

    Once you realize that these are all the same question, just viewed from different aspects, enlightenment will come to you.

  2. It must be in the water, and I'm in the same boat, or whatever, cos I got nothin' either. Slow day I guess.

  3. Walt, I had not put 1 and 1 and 1 together like that. Shoot, I'll be up all night connecting the dots.

    Staci, at least I had a pipe-smoking chimp. ;)


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?