Tuesday, November 10, 2009

If the world only knew...

I have a memory from childhood of a movie/musical, where a guy sings the line, "If the world only knew... what a soldier goes through...for a buck and a quarter a day..."

Some computer research tells me that it was Joe E. Brown, along with Joan Blondell, in Sons o' Guns (1936), but I can't find a video, or audio track. Oh well...

Certainly, our brave men and women in uniform make more than a buck and a quarter a day now, but I think we need to be reminded occasionally of their conditions...and their good humor as they go about their service.

A blogger that I read, Buck, at Exile in Portales got a computer letter from his son who is an officer in the US Air Force that I want to point you to. He's currently in Afghanistan, and obviously has a good sense of humor about the whole thing. Give it a read.

BTW, Buck links to his son's blog at the end of the letter. Give it a look, too.


  1. I'm going to save both those blogs for some in-depth reading later on - thanks, Andy-Dude!

  2. Thanks for the linky-lurve, Andy! BTW... I'm a BIG Dylan and Baez fan, as well. It's a generational thang, methinks. ;-)


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?