...let me try to be an encourager!
Note* I almost didn't publish this post, but someone out there needs to read it. *
I struggled with my weight for most of my early life. I was never "the really fat kid" that got picked on. But I was always "tubby." I always felt very self conscious, and often over-compensated for that by being very arrogant, and sometimes even cruel...not often cruel, but I can remember an instance or two.
It was always embarrassing to have to shop in the "husky department" at the Bealls, or JC Penney's when I was a kid. Momma always told me that I was "big boned!" Man...how tired did I get of hearing that! But Mommas love ya', and...well...you know...
This is the Andy that many of you will remember if you knew me way back. This is a photo taken in 1986. (I think)

I hated hauling around all that weight. I lost 360 pounds...the same 30 a dozen times. I did the "grapefruit diet," the "egg diet," ...basically the "diet of the month" for years. I actually got up to 230 before I got so sick of myself that I couldn't stand me any longer.
So, I started walking...about a mile every night after work. And, I started eating right. No white sugar, limited salt, high fiber...veggies, whole grains, lean meat (I eventually gave up meat altogether), salads, potatoes (don't let anybody fool you with the "potatoes will make you fat" crap), fish, and NO FAST FOOD.
Truthfully, the ONLY thing that will work long term is what we fat people hate the most...proper diet, and exercise. But, I want to encourage you. You can do it! No matter how much you love chocolate chip cookies, or ice cream, or a double beef Whopper w/large fries and a Coke, or a peanut butter sammich at midnight, YOU CAN DO IT!
Now, you don't have to go "whole hog" like I did. I have an "addictive" personality. Eventually, I let diet and exercise consume my thoughts (and my time), just as I had let my "fatass" thoughts (and food) rule me before.
I eventually ran 12 to 14 miles per day...and would feel guilt if I didn't go out for my run during torrential downpours, or lightning storms.

Certainly, it is much easier to lose weight in your twenties than it is as you grow older. BUT YOU CAN DO IT!!! Trust me. I have learned just a very few things in my life that are "constant." And one constant is that "If I can do it, anyone else can." I have no special talents, abilities, physiological advantages, etc. Period!
If you are discouraged about your weight, you should know that ANYONE can lose it. ANYONE can triumph over the failures of the past. No matter how many times you have tried, and failed...there is always victory if you do not quit. The only way you can fail is to quit trying.
To steal a slogan from Nike, "Just Do It!" If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl. If you can't crawl, roll around in the floor for 30 minutes a day. If you can't roll around in the floor...well...I can't help you...you're right, you can't do it!
Look (and I mean this), if you need a partner to help you, I'll be there for you. I MEAN IT! This is very dear to my heart. I know the struggles, the frustrations, the sheer psychological agony of living in a body that you hate. I know how it colors your mood, and influences your decisions, your actions, and your relationships.
20 years after losing all of that weight, I tip the scale at 145. Momma was wrong. It's difficult to say that my Momma was wrong about anything...but she was wrong. I'm not "big boned." But, Mommas love ya'...and...well, you know. I love my Momma...
And I love you, too. I'm familiar with your struggles, and your anxieties. If you need some encouragement, or any "free advice," you can e-mail me at JustAndysPlace@aol.com
Trust me...I ain't selling nothing!
Be of good cheer! You can do it...
Just curious, how much weight came off with the HAIR?
ReplyDeleteAdmit it. You were jealous of my svelte form back in high school. In any case, you are an inspiration to me. Really...
ReplyDeleteDadman, consider it "admitted!" Interestingly, another of our old friends from high school recently shared with me how he "suffered" because of his acne.
ReplyDeleteI told him, "Hey man...that was just 'you.' Everybody liked you." He and I concluded that all young kids take their imperfections, and blow them out of proportion...giving them too much power over their actions.
Too old smart, huh?
And as to being an "inspiration"... I'm blushing. And, you are easy to fool. Obviously. ;)
Hey, I need to lose about 25 pounds to be at my desired weight. I am now inspired to toss out my Twinkie and Ding Dong stash as soon as I get home...nyuk.
ReplyDeleteDadman, depending on your height, 25 lbs might just be a leg from the knee down. Try a lopitoffamy.
ReplyDeleteDadman...you're so square! Twinkie and Ding Dong Stash? Gimme a break! I mean, "Meathead" called Twinkies "white man's soul food."
ReplyDeleteAnd, I saw you not too long ago. If you lose 25 pounds, I'll never be able to "see" you again!
But I know what you mean...even though I'm light in weight, I need to "get in shape." It's hell being 50!
Leave it to Paul to offer the simple solution!
ReplyDeleteWhaat!?,no meat!?...well that's just crazy talk.
ReplyDeleteCudgel, "no meat!?" I've been vegetarian for over 20 years...it's a long story that I will not bore you with.
ReplyDeleteAnd, "crazy" is a pretty good term to describe most of my decisions. Sigh.
Paul: Any suggestions on how to stop the bleeding?
ReplyDeleteNever to be one to speak for Paul, but don't take aspirin.
ReplyDeleteI mean, maybe an aspirin for the cubicle, but not for the blood loss.
No thanks necessary.
Dang, sorry, Dadman. A MAPP-gas torch always works. Trust me.
ReplyDeleteWell...there ya' go Dadman! Question answered. You can trust Paul. He knows a lot of junk and stuff.
ReplyDeleteThe tourniquet ain't working and I feel faint. Damn, I didn't bring my blow torch to work with me today...
ReplyDeleteI'm am feeling a bit lighter, however.
Got any good ideers for the flip side of the weight coin? I've been skinny all my life... getting up to all of about 145 the day I graduated from basic training (ten weeks of ultra-clean livin')... and I now carry all of 115 lbs on my 5' 8" frame. I'd be satisfied if I could get back to 130... The upside is I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want, and drink all the beer I want.
ReplyDeleteDon't hate me. Heh.
Buck, I can't hep ya' with that one for sure. But, I think it's the cigars that make you shed weight. And beer is a diuretic. Clean living might beef ya' up. ;)
ReplyDeleteDangit, Andy, you are an inspiration.
ReplyDeleteBuck, I hate you. heh heh
Addictive personality huh? First it was eating, then fitness, now it's blogging. I am glad you recognize your obsessive tendencies.
ReplyDeleteSpousal chastisement? Consider it BROUGHTED.
ReplyDeleteAin't nothing new! I'm is under her thumb...