Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nyuk! Nerd Humor...

I pinched this video from Buck, and am posting it in honor of my buddy who works for Intel. He's not a nerd! But I'll bet he works with a few...


  1. Thanks Andy. I like this ad campaign. Too bad working at Intel is not like the commercials. ;>)

  2. BTW, I've worked with dozens and dozens of guys (and a few gals) like the ones in this ad. They are a funny breed...

  3. Heh! Nyuk...what are they gonna do? Maybe put out ads that say, "It Sucks To Work At Intel!"

    Not a really good marketing plan...

  4. Most corporate work is soul-sucking. I would guess Intel is less soul-sucking than a lot of places, but after 17 years of cubicle dwelling I'm in dire need of a soul infusion...

    That's why I'll be cranking up some Al Green tonight when I get home. :>)

  5. Aaaaaahhhhh! Brother Al! "Aaaah, let's stay together...loving you whether...whether...times are good or bad, or happy or sad..."

    Well, you know the rest...enjoy the evening my friend. I've never been fenced in by cubicle walls...just other stuff. I can only imagine what it's like. I have some sense of it from friends and family. But, not having worn the moccasins, all I can do is encourage. You will do the right thing.

    Now, go for a walk, and ship the junk food to me. ;)

  6. I can relate to cube farms after 16 years in the IT biz (14 of it with EDS and two years with a a web start-up). The IT stuff paid better than the Air Force but wasn't NEAR as much fun. This retired thang is the BEST gig I've ever had, tho.

    Thanks for the linky-lurve, Andy!


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?