Saturday, November 21, 2009

Illustrating the liberal mindset...

Let me pose a question. Answer it honestly.

Let's say that you are a conservative, and you awoke this morning to the news that dozens of private e-mails had been retrieved by a hacker that offered some reasonable proof that 9-11 was an "inside job," perpetrated by a cabal of high level Bush administration officials, in cahoots with "them Jooz." Would it make you curious enough to go read those e-mails?

And, after having read those e-mails (not knowing for sure whether they were real, or fake), would it not make you even somewhat more curious? There they are in black & advisers to Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, chatting back and forth as to how to pull it off, and cover it up...all for the greater good, of opportunity to declare war on Islam, eventually reshape the political landscape of the middle east, and secure the oil reserves of the world in the hands of US-friendly governments.

Would it not at least drive a wedge of doubt in your thinking over what we have been through as a nation for the last 8 years? Would it not cause you to rethink every opinion you have formed? Would it not cause tremendous disappointment, yea, even a previously absent distrust in the Bush administration?

Well, if you are a reasonable, right-thinking person, "Of course it would!"

Therein lies the difference in you (Mr., or Ms. Conservative), and a liberal.

By now, you have all read that a hacker has obtained damning e-mails that show leading "global warming" scientists (cough cough) conspired together to falsify climate data, in order to push their agenda.

But, the liberal mind does not work like yours. I am going to link to a post on the Daily Kos that I read this morning. This is a first for me (linking to the Kossacks). In this short blog post, the author (a global warming believer) just asks a simple question, and then posts a poll.

I did not want to vote in his poll, but I had to in order to see the voting. At the time I voted, half of the respondents did not believe that these scientists had "cooked the books."

The comments are where the liberals truly illustrate their refusal to swallow truth, when it clashes with their agenda. I read the comments as long as I could, before realizing that these people are hopeless. They will not be convinced, no matter how stark the evidence.

If you've got some time on your hands, you might want to enjoy a debate between a moderately sane liberal, and a pack of the regular old garden variety harebrained type.


  1. Your hypothetical really pushes the envelope, Andy, but in the end you're right in your conclusion.

    Dunno if I wanna go over to the Fever Swamp. I haven't been there in quite a while and don't go very often as it's just TOO danged depressing. I might, tho.

  2. Yeah Buck...I started to go with "solid proof of no WMDs in Iraq, but we'll say there are..."

    But, Dubya never did make that claim.

    It was hard to come up with a good example. It was the best I could do. Often, my best ain't very good.

  3. Far be it for liberals to let the facts cloud an issue.

    Just like the Goracle's recent statement that the earths core is at a temperature of several million degrees. Heck, he was only off by several million degrees. An error rate that any bank would be proud of.

    A brief bit of googling revealed the highest scientific estimate to be around 10,100 Centrigrade.

    He was close, I guess.

  4. Buckskins, I read about that, but it had slipped my mind. Can you believe that guy was actually almost President? Heh! We might have one worse now...


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?