Saturday, November 21, 2009

I've seen some pretty ugly prostitutes in my time...(Today's "echo chamber" post)

...but most of them only get $20 a trick. I doubt this gal even does that well.

But I ask you, "How much would you pay to have this woman push your button?"

Well, Senator Harry Reid is willing to pay $100,000,000 to Mary Landrieu for one second of pure orgasmic elation. Even though the citizens of Louisiana have overwhelmingly rejected the notion of Harry Reid's Senate Health Care Debacle Bill, Landrieu seems to be willing to sell us out to Harry.

Oh's not Harry's money. It's yours, fellow citizens of the US. Or, at least it was...


  1. Is that first picture Michelle, i.e. The One's Wife? Before the dental work?


  2. Staci, I can't's not a full-body shot, so I can't see if she's got a 6" wide belt cinched up right under her boobs.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?