Friday, November 20, 2009

Since we're talkin' Ole Miss...Movie Review

At the risk of causing Dadman to fall out of his chair in astonishment, I went to see a film today.

I'll wait while you catch your breath.

The Mrs. wanted to celebrate her birthday (which was yesterday) by going to lunch & a movie. BTW, this is also the 33rd anniversary of our very first date. It was the day after her birthday, 1976...some advice guys, choose some "landmark" day for a first'll never know when it might come in handy for 'rememberin'.

We went to see The Blind Side, with Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw, and a bunch of other folks I can not remember their names. Go see it.

It is 2 hours and ten minutes (roughly) of real fun. The movie was a little long...I really don't know the run time, but I know it was over two hours, and it could have been about 10 minutes shorter. But if a film can hold my interest for more than 20 minutes, it's a "keeper."

It is the true story of a remarkable young man, Michael Oher, and the remarkable family that took him in, and helped him discover his potential. There is a special place in Heaven for folks like that.

The true film critic will probably find it to be a bit "sappy," and "overdone." Screw 'em. It's a fun, and touching movie. I brushed away a tear more than once, hoping that nobody would notice. But the guy sitting next to me in the packed theater did, too. I noticed.

Sandra Bullock is...well...Sandra Bullock. She pulled it off like gang busters. And, I'll admit some surprise at how well Tim McGraw complemented her. Of course, in real life, he is a successful man...married to a strong-willed, beautiful blonde. So, he may have been the best man to cast in this role (not too much "acting" to do, etc.)

I don't know the name of the big black guy that played Michael...but 3 thumbs up!

As I said, "GO SEE IT!" I do not remember a film that I have seen where a packed theater sat through the credits. After you see it, you will understand why (I don't want to give nothin' away).

There are very few actresses, or actors that I would pay green rectangles to see, but Sandra Bullock is one. I once heard Dennis Miller describe working with Bullock. He said, "She is ONE GREAT DAME!" And man...she is as beautiful, and sharp as ever in her role.

It's an inspiring story, even if it is about folks that love Ole Miss. Too bad they're gonna be so sad tomorrow when LSU beats the mortal snot out of their beloved Rebs. But they'll get over it.


  1. It's on my list. I see every Bullock movie. She's so normal not Hollywood - even married to a real man and she never opines on politics.

  2. Patrick, when The Mrs. and I find an actor/actress that we like in common...well, that's rare.

    Newman, Bullock, Sinise, Hanks, and just a very few others. I know you're a DVD man, but you might want to live a little, and watch with a packed house. I swear, the theater was full for the 1:10 PM showing. It was fun.

  3. Holy Cinematic Apocalypse, Batman...Andy went to the movies!This one is definitely on our list. The first time I saw the preview I got a little choked up and told the Mrs. it was one we had to see. Unfortunately, I'm still sittin' in my dang cubicle while the rest of my fambly is at the movie watchin' that silly 'New Moon' flick. Maybe we'll check out 'The Blind Side' tomorrow...

    How do the ground crews clean up all that snot after the game. I'm just wondering...

  4. It's Ole Miss. They don't clean up the snot. They leave it for the concessionaires to's a real favorite hot dog topping in Oxford. (It's a Rebel delicacy)

    Yeah, you'll enjoy the film. The truth is that true stories (even if embellished), are always better than anything somebody can create in their cranium.

    And, Sandra Bullock is just downright hot.

    And, the roof did not cave in on the Boardwalk Cinema when I walked in, which made it even more enjoyable.

    Hang in there Dadman...the day at the cube farm is almost done. Have a good weekend.

  5. I'm one of those "I never go to the movie" people also - but the trailers and previews on this one plus your review is making me re-think my status.

    Sandra Bullock's husband is fairly downright hot (HAWT) as well.....

  6. I am the world's worst movie reviewer Staci. I know nothing about the nuance of angles, character interaction, etc.

    I just know that it was not $6 wasted. (Well, $12 really...I bought Pam's ticket, seeing as it was her birthday present and all).

    Good to know that I'm not the only "hate to go to the movie-house" person in the world.

  7. Good to know that I'm not the only "hate to go to the movie-house" person in the world.

    You're not alone. That said, I don't rent DVDs, either... I gave up on movies back in the '80s sometime, with VERY rare exceptions. The last movie I watched was "Miracle," and how could I NOT? After all... it's hockey and a landmark event in American sporting history.

  8. Hey cousin (actually my cousin's husband) was deeply involved in the Miracle. (not the movie, the real miracle). Actually, I think he had a role in the production of "Miracle on Ice" back in the early 80's, because he was privy to many of the events as they unfolded.

    I won't bore you with the details, but he was (and still is) knee deep in ice.

    Truly, one of the great sports stories of my life...

  9. Great film! Great story! Hotty Toddy Mike! SN: looks like the snot didn't fall from Ole Miss' nose...great game Rebs

  10. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Anon. Nyuk! Great Game Rebs is right... the hot dog vendors won't have any good snot toppings to peddle next season.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?