Hi y'all! Hugs, kisses, yada yada yada...
Not too long after I discovered "blogs," I read a very good blogger note that his most serious posts seem to get few, or no comments. And, his light, fluffy, sports, or "eye candy" posts seem to draw comments by the dozens, and much good-humored banter. He wasn't complaining, or anything...just wondering out loud.
Someone answered in the comments, "Well, when you've said everything that needs to be said, what is there left to say?" And he's right. When you are in complete agreement with a post, why comment?
I've been thinking about this quite a bit. I access dozens of blogs on my Reader. And, I read almost every post from those bloggers. Believe it or not, I rarely comment, and have never commented on most of them. (If that's you, don't bother to thank me.) But I'm wondering if bloggers appreciate comments just for the sake of knowing that someone read their work, and appreciated it.
I read a post not long ago where the blogger noted that he could have 60 hits a day, and not one comment. Now, this particular blogger was not "fishing" for comments. He's a guy like myself...just does his thing, for himself. In truth, if nobody ever read anything, he'd probably put his thoughts down anyway.
Not long ago, I read a comment on a post (on a different blog) that went something like, "I'd like to comment on your blog, but I never have anything to add. I guess I could say, 'Kilroy was here.' "
So, think about it. Would it be more of an encouragement, or an annoyance, to get a simple "Ditto," or a "You Go Man!," or a "Kilroy was here." ??? I mean...just to let a blogger know that you stopped by his/her place, and enjoyed the visit...
Or, as a blogger, would you rather have one less e-mail to open?
You may just have your readers confused with people who care...
ReplyDeleteGood point Walt. I really do wonder though if "serious" bloggers (unlike me) get frustrated, wondering "does anybody read this junk?"
ReplyDeleteI seldom leave comments on other blogs because of the "Kilroy was here" factor. Of course I love getting comments and feel slighted if nobody tells me how brilliant I am at least three times a day but I'm getting used to being unappreciated and unloved.
ReplyDeleteOf course I want the comments. It is no fun if there is no conversation with people that read my junk. Most of the folks that comment on my posts are like fambly and I sure do want to hear their thoughts, always.
ReplyDeleteI write this crap for me and if someone wants to comment, better. If not, I have over a thousand posts to look back on. Now if I can just find a way to make it as good a book as Lew Grizzard did.
MUD, Ha! Lewis is a tough act to live up to, huh?
ReplyDeleteI think most of us do just write this crap for ourselves. I'm just wondering if it's really encouraging to say "Amen," or if it's discouraging if nobody ever does.
I've been blogging for a bit more than four years. I've had some highs and lows in interest in my blog. I like to see responses to my posts, and even if someone just said "Hey, nice post" I'd be very appreciative. But that's not why I blog. So it's not going to make much difference in what I do one way or the other.
ReplyDeleteI try to encourage those with different points of view to post comments, and on occasion I get someone who hangs around for a while, but eventually they get tired of being on the short end of most discussions and leave.
Hmm.... turn a blog into a book? Interesting thought...
Heh! Cosmic, If I'm not mistaken, you were that blogger that I spoke of in my initial thought.
ReplyDeleteAnd, if I'm not mistaken, that "blog book" idea has graced the pages of your corner of the internet.
I have a "steel trap" memory. Obviously. What was that song again???
Paul, I hear you. Trust me...I read your blog, and comment for many reasons...content, because I feel like part of the family, and wanting to be remembered when you're bigger than Malkin, etc. (and other junk that you know all about)
ReplyDeleteBut I'm not talking about one of the "25 most influential Conservative blogs" like yours.
I'm talking about just regular old folks (unlike an influential blogger such as you) that have a little corner of the blogosphere.
I don't want them to quit posting stuff about their grandkids, or their grandpa war hero, or their daily struggles with pre-schoolers, or their stubbed toes.
I love that stuff. And, I'd hate it if they all just threw in the towel because they thought "nobody cares."
So, I'm working out in my rapidly balding head a way to let 'em know that "somebody" is reading, and appreciates their effort...and understands "why" they take the time to put the world on notice that they are alive and kickin'.
Note to self: Must become better commenter.
ReplyDeleteI like comments, but they ain't the be-all, end-all of blogging... coz (as you noted) I'm into this blogging gig for me. It's nice to know people appreciate ya, though.
ReplyDeleteHey Andy, stumbled over via Buck's blog.
ReplyDeleteMy daily round include many blogs, but I only comment at a few of them. Generally it's because I don't feel that I have anything to add to the conversation, as everything has already been said. I guess it's like a spoken conversation. If I don't have anything meaningful to say, I just don't say it.
Hey Buckskins! Thanks for the input, and thanks for stopping by.