Monday, November 2, 2009

Two More From The Road...

WAKE UP!!!! GET UP!!!! It's Monday morning...back to real life, kids!

I had two pictures left from my big trip to San Angelo, TX that I really didn't know what to do with. So, instead of just deleting them, I decided to bless y'all with 'em.

When we were in San Angelo, we were killing time between lunch & a movie. My son wanted to run to a WalMart to look around. He said, "You know Dad, WalMart has all kind of things you didn't even know you couldn't live without until you go in there and see them."

He was right. As we were browsing, I realized that this WalMart is just like my WalMart.

It just goes to show you that a WalMart is a WalMart, is a WalMart, is a WalMart. The only difference is that this gal would be riding around on one of those electric shopping carts if she was at my WalMart.

On the way back home, youngest son's head was really stopped up. We had run out of decongestant, and needed to find a store. I saw a sign that said, "Winters 10 miles." So, I planned to stop in Winters. It's a little prairie town between San Angelo & Abilene.

We saw a little IGA grocery store, and stopped. Right next door to the IGA is the water tower. I think these folks in Winters came up with a good name for their high school football team.

Heh! I'll bet they could pull a "white out" on Penn State some seasons. It's pretty cute...the town has a computer page. On the page they state, "Winters - Where there were Blizzards before Dairy Queens!"

I love small towns.

Now, get to work! And, y'all have a productive, and blessed Monday.


  1. Did you notice ther Tatoo on her leg. I'll bet she got it to keepm people from staring at her backside. I love the People of Walmart. Makes me want to go to a family reunion. MUD

  2. Heh! Nyuk, MUD! I love the people of WalMart, too. I'm is one of 'em. I mean, my rear end isn't quite this big yet...and I've got no tattoos...

    But I've still got a couple of years to catch up with 'em...


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?