Just mishmash, and junk. I'm gonna do a post later today about the funeral I attended yesterday (just for my own remembrance, while it's fresh on my mind), but I thought I'd just throw a bunch of different junk at y'all this morning. Don't bother to thank me...
This first part is for bloggers, and it might not interest you if you don't maintain a blog. In fact, it'll likely not be interesting to you, if you do!
Something that's been on my mind lately is just exactly how powerful the worldwide computer is. My goodness, the breakneck speed that information can be shared around the globe is astounding. And, that info can go from user to user in a "viral" manner that makes the hog flu out a piker.
I've been pondering a worldwide internet experiment, and I'm interested to know if y'all believe that enough others would be interested enough to participate. I got to thinking about this after being Instalanched. Sure, we all know the massive reach of Instapundit, and Drudge, and others. But, I'm wondering if just normal, low-traffic blogs like this one could, in concert with the thousands and thousands of other low-traffic blogs create a cascade of traffic to one particular destination.
And, I'm wondering if this might not be helpful information...you know...just to find out how many internet users are connected one to another through a network of blogs. This information could come in handy one day, should there be need to "get the word out about something not covered by the big boys"...if ya' know what I mean.
I conducted a minor experiment the other day, linking (for no stated reason) to another blog. Several of you hit that link. Thanks. Then, one that did hit that link, also linked that page from his blog (generating quite a bit more traffic to it than my link, btw). Then, another that visited the page did. While not generating anything like "the big boys" can, the results were pretty impressive.
So, it really got me to thinking about just how "connected" the blogging community is. You know what I mean. If you maintain a blog, you have many regular visitors that will never be over here. And many of them have readers of their own work that will not likely visit your place. But, you and I are both connected to them through third, & 4th, and 5th parties, etc.
While I wouldn't expect (or necessarily want) the big-time bloggers to get involved, I'm wondering just really how "broad" the small-time blogger networks are. Myself as an example: I have 7 or 8 "personal" blogs that I visit religiously. And, I think I have probably 14 or 15 visitors that come here daily...maybe more, probably less. I'm curious to see just how far a link could spider...how many of the hundreds of thousands of personal bloggers really do share a "connection," (however far down the line).
Heck, I don't know. Maybe nobody else is as curious about this as I am. But, I am.
Starting on one small blog, there would be a simple request to click a link, an explanation of the experiment, and a polite request to every other blogger that visits to post a link to the destination on their blog. Also, a request to those who do not have a blog to e-mail a link to those that they think would like to participate. Then I'd give it, oh, say 7 days, and post the results.
If one was to set out to "find out," there would be a few challenges. First of all, selecting a destination page. The site would have to be able to handle large traffic. And, it would need to have the ability to track unique visitors. We don't want any ACORN results here...nope, just the one visitor, one vote deal. (It'll be good to know how many total hits there are, but that's not really part of the experiment.)
In fact, it might be best to set up a new blog with no other posts just for the particular exercise. That way the results would be clean.
I would envision a destination page that is not political, nor religious, nor right or left. Maybe just a "Thank you for participating...check back at the end of the week for results," or something along that line.
And, then you'd get some smart person (I've got one in mind) analyze the results. Geographically, referral, whether from a blog, or e-mail link, etc., and post a report.
I don't know. It's probably a wacky idea that nobody cares about but me. But, I thought I'd throw it out there for your pondering. Or, just to give you a good laugh at how goofy Andy's brain is...whatever.
Plus, I threw it out there because I basically got nothin'!
Oh yeah, I got an Obamacare prescription...

And, I got some Hillbilly dudes doing Bohemian Rhapsody. I mean...it ain't The Muppets, and it ain't Queen! But, they do got better teeth than Freddie...
Performed by Hayseed Dixie
Look, y'all have a good one. Gotta go to WalMart...gave Sadie the last of her food this morning, and she'll be pitiful by this evening.
I am always curious about traffic. I'll help your experiment in any way I can. I have no clue how the Hell that will do anything, though. My traffic is off since Thanksgiving, but my reader stats are up.
ReplyDeleteBack in the olden days, we used to have blog carnivals to link around and stuff. I think that is dead now, though.
I got some Hillbilly dudes doing Bohemian Rhapsody.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of freakin' hillbillies ride BMWs?
re: Your experiment. I'm with Paul, in that I'm not quite seeing how this would work. But I'll play if'n ya get it figgered out.
I've got a some server space with plenty of bandwidth that I'm not really using right now.
ReplyDeleteEventually I plan to use it for something so I'm not going to put anything permanent on it, but for a 7 day test it would be ideal.
My host has logs and statistics tracking software but I don't know how robust it is or how useful it would be for this experiment...I'll look into it, but, in the meantime, if someone wants to suggest some sort of logging software to put on it to track the unique visits, that would be helpful.
It's not an active web page so it won't inconvenience me at all and no one could say I'm just using this test to artificially pad my traffic numbers or anything.
I'd just put a simple "Thank you for participating in our test" message on it or something like that.
If you're interested in using my server space, let me know.
Buck & Paul...thanks! It would be interesting to see.
ReplyDeleteCurtis, thank you very much. I truly appreciate that. I've got your e-mail, and will most likely get with you. Much appreciated!
Andy, it's like 6 degrees of separation. For instance:
ReplyDeleteSome of the people I know in real life have started reading your blog and that of the mean ol meany.
Over on the facebook, a couple of my friends follow Paul - one of them is Kim M's husband, Tim, and another is Nate, who makes a comment now and then. So all in all, we're making it a much smaller world, aren't we? When the big one hits, we should all have already made plans on where to meet up, as they say there's safety in numbers. Heh.
Anyway, count me in.