Since no woman ever knew which Dr. would be delivering their package, it was routine to see both Doctors during the pre-delivery office visits. I went along on many of those visits, and really got to like Dr. McElwee. He was a swell young guy, with lots of energy, and a fabulous bedside manner. And, on the "big night" that #1 son was working his way out, it happened that Dr. McElwee was to do the honors.
It was September 8, 1980. And, it was a Monday night. How do I remember that it was a Monday night? I'm glad you asked. It was the kickoff of Monday Night Football for the season...my beloved Dallas Cowboys v. the miserable Washington Injuns. Man, every red-blooded American male was looking forward to that one.
So, I'm in the waiting room watching MNF, along with Dr. McElwee. The word came from a nurse that it was time for him to come do his thing in Mrs. Reeves' room. He looked at me, and said, "Andy, get yourself back there and tell your wife to hang on to that thing until halftime."
I laughed, and we took off to the delivery room. It turns out that the big-headed boy just wouldn't come out. He was already a week late, and Pam was starting to have some distress, so Dr. Mc ended up doing a C-section. In the process he missed the WHOLE game.
After the surgery was over he said to me, "Dude, your wife sure knows how to mess up a guy's Monday night."
He was a funny guy, and from all accounts, a very capable physician, well-known, and well liked in the community. I know that he was loved by his patients, and highly respected in his profession.
Well, Dr. McElwee was sentenced to 5 years in Federal Prison, and fined $550,000 yesterday in District Court on charges of prescription drug fraud.
It's a damn shame, too. He got hooked on pain-killers. I understand that he was injured, and one thing lead to the next, yada yada yada. And, I honestly believe that the judge would have gone light...probably just a fine and probation, had McElwee not conspired with his office staff, and evidently let them in on his habit.
Damn shame. I hope he gets better.
That IS a shame. Addiction in whatever form ruins countless lives. Sad.