Friday, January 15, 2010

Would y'all help me with a blogsperiment...

Please? Pretty please with sugar on top???

Please just hit this link. Don't ax why. Okay, you can ax if you want to.

Thanks, y'all!


  1. OK, I did. Click. Commented, too.

  2. Thanks, Buck...I'm pondering not so much "how much traffic" a puny blogger like me can shift, rather, "how" it's done.

    I'll need to know that one day when I have more than 14 readers. ;)

  3. Heh! Yeah, I know...but looks aren't everything, huh?

  4. I don't know Andy.

    the blogs I follow typically post 2 - 5 postings a day, and have anywhere from 5 - 50 comments.
    I think that certain sites like ace of spades with hundreds of comments per posting are difficult to follow as it gets to be a contest to see who can comment the most regardless of how mundane the ideas... For similar reasons, I wouldn't live in New York for more than a few months, and I much prefer a small city, with some shops you don't find anywhere else. So many of the larger blogs simply repeat what's posted elsewhere. So what reels them in?
    I already said I dunno... when I say I dunno, it's certain!

  5. Marc, that's a good observation. I read many blogs, and enjoy the comments almost as much as the posts. (sometimes more)

    But, by the time you get through the first 15 of 150, you begin to realize that nobody has the time to scroll down for a "nugget" amongst nothingness.

    But heh! "...when I say I dunno, it's certain"...I'm filing that one away for future use. Thanks for stopping by. (Sincerely)

  6. Do I know you? My stoned pet rock says he thinks he's not sure. I don't generally care what my stoned pet rock thinks.

    I helped your research. I came. I clicked. I commented.

    I am such a sheeple ;)

  7. Skunks, thanks for helpin' out. Baaa Baaa Baaa...


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?