Monday, February 15, 2010

Celebrating George Washington...

I was working on this post for about 20 minutes, and stopped for some coffee. When I sat back down, my The Gooble Reader showed a post by Basil. Heck, why go to the trouble when you've got Basil to do it for you? That's what I always say...

Go read what Basil has to say. It is not Presidents Day!


  1. Thank you for the link. You are a gentleman and a scholar. Though not necessarily in that order.

  2. No Basil, thank you! You saved me a lot of work. You am is righteous...

    What does "scholar" mean??? Don't bother, I'll look it up.

  3. Yup. This "Presidents Day" stuff has to stop.

  4. Trenton, Bwahahahahaha! I think that's Feb. 2, you're thinking about.

    Buck, and Moogie: Yup/Yup.

  5. Actually, they have an Obama Day. It's April 1st.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?