Monday, February 15, 2010

These Are My Credentials...A humbling update from the creator...

I will admit that I was humbled, and quite excited this morning when I opened my computer letter box. I saw a letter from a familiar name, even though I have never corresponded with this man.

Back in November of 2009, I posted a link to a .pdf file entitled "These Are My Credentials." Our Okie friend Staci had forwarded an e-mail to me with a .pdf file attached. I was quite moved by it. And, many of you were also. It was a collection of photos of our brave service men in battle...along with quotes from military leaders throughout history.

At the time, I could not figure out how to post a .pdf file, but found someone that had done it, and linked to it (honestly, I still don't know how to). The whole thing had been put together by Major Bill Coffey, US Army (retired). Well, I will admit my knees went a little weak this morning when I saw a message from, simply titled, "Thanks."

Major Coffey had somehow gotten the heads-up that we had posted his effort...and graciously thanked us for passing it along. In his note, he mentioned that he had done some more of the same, and would be happy to pass along a more recent PowerPoint work. Of course, I was more than eager to see it, and asked him to please pass it to me.

If you happened to miss the original work I posted, it can be seen here.

A few hours later, Major Coffey sent me a response with a PowerPoint file attached that honors the US Marines. Now...I know that Andy's Place has many Soldiers, Airmen, and Sailors that visit regularly. So, I'll give y'all the heads-up that there do be a bit of friendly "trash-talk" by them Marines towards the other branches. As the father of an Airman, and a Soldier, I kinda expected this...

I spent most of the afternoon (off and on...because I've been really busy) trying to figure out how to embed a PowerPoint. I finally came up upon "Scribd." I hope this works, and that you can see it. If it doesn't, or if you'd like me to send you the file, just write me at I'll be glad to e-mail you the file, or the "embed code" so you can put it up on your blog, or e-mail it on to others you think might enjoy it...I'll be glad to.

It looks like you can do it as a "slide show," and just click on the picture to go to the next, or you can set it up to "scroll," or look at it in book form. I liked it in the "slide show" mode, so I didn't try the others in the preview.

Major Coffey told me that we were all free to use this in any way we liked, in support of the troops. To hear from Major Coffey is even better than that Instalanche Glenn Reynolds launched on Andy's Place, in my book. Thanks Bill! You made one puny little blogger's day! (I hope it's okay if I call you Bill...)

Marine With a Rifle-Low Res-V2


  1. Andy, that is really great. On those days when you ask 'why the hell am I doing this' (blogging), that is your answer.

  2. Dude, I love Scribd, too. That is pretty much the only way to embed Congressional Record, too. It does take a long time to load though and I have the method to hide portions of Blogger posts "blow the fold."

  3. My ex-father-in-law, now deceased, was a Marine officer who fought in WWII and at the Chosin Reservoir. A small group of the Chosin Few, a CR survivors organization, attended his funeral. Those ol' boys could tell some stories, lemmee tell ya. I've never met a more dedicated and interesting group of veterans in my life. Those ol' guys were still Marines first and foremost even though it had been over 30 years since the youngest of them had worn a uniform.

    BTW... I don't think my FIL ever forgave The Second Mrs. Pennington for marrying me, either. But there was an uneasy truce... (insert big-ass grin here)

  4. Jim, yep! It can be very fulfilling.

    TD: I'm gonna have to get further instruction from you on that.

    Buck, I got the "insert" on my face right now...


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?