Thursday, February 18, 2010

Don'tcha' just HATE a "Tattle-Tale?"

Yeah! ME TOO!

So, I will likely hate myself after I get finished "tattling."

Nah!!!!... I love myself, and only hate other weasels that tattle on folks.

It seems that yesterday afternoon, a visitor happened by Andy's Place in "search" of information. That's cool, because I live to serve...and providing info is my life.

Nevertheless, this visitor is somewhat disturbing to me...and I figure it ought to be reported. There are several reasons for this, which will become abundantly clear.

Below, you will see a screenshot of the search that lead said visitor to Andy's Place. You will note that it carries elements of "Good, Bad, and Ugly."

You will see that the searcher has access to the computers at the Alabama School for Math and Science. Now, when I saw this, I was pretty sure that it is an honors high school for Alabama teens, much like our own Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts that is hosted on the campus of Northwestern State U in Natchitoches, LA.

According to their website, this is a "residential public high school"...for high schoolers "pursuing careers in mathematics, science, and humanities." That's what I figured.

It seems that the Alabama School of Mathematics and Science is in Anniston, Alabama...and I am sure is funded by the taxpayers of the Great State of Alabama.

So, hey y'all! Somebody's goofing around on y'all's computers! I am certainly hoping that this searcher is a student...and not a member of the faculty there at ASMS...

I started to redact the IP address. But, I figured "theheckwithit!" I mean, if you're gonna tattle, you may as well give all the details. "In for a penny, in for a pound." (that's what I always say)

You will see that the ISP is the "Alabama Supercomputer Network." Shazaaaaaaam! They got a Supercomputer in Alabama...

(You can click on the image below to view the gory details)

You will note the "Good." They are using Windows XP...the best OS EVER!

You will note the "Bad." This searcher is using IE.

But, the "Ugly" is what was being searched for.

Yep, "reatarded pig." Now, aside from the fact that this searcher does not know how to spell "retarded," the search itself is troubling. (Heh! You reckon they got an Alabama School For Spellin'?) Never mind.

So, the hardware, software, and internet service provided by the Alabama Supercomputer...all paid for by the taxpayers of the Great State of Alabama was being used by someone at IP address, at 4:52 PM on Feb. 17, 2010, to find out about "reatarded pig."

I'm sure that all my taxpaying friends in the Great State of Alabama (and I have MANY, btw) will be just thrilled to see their tax dollars at work.

All that being said, this is the image that "Bing" lead the searcher to.

Dang! "Bing" is good...


  1. Perhaps the kid had an assignment to write a paper on Moore and was simply searching for a picture of him? True, he mis-spelled 'retarded', but he found the picture nonetheless.
    (And thank you Google word verification, I am somewhat of an 'intlec'. . )

  2. Heh! Jim, you might be on to something. As I noted, "The Bing" surely scoped out the perfect search resulf for this kid.

    It could have been a research paper that was assigned. Oh man...the internet...I remember the old days when we used to have to go to the library to find information on reatarded pig.

    Technology is wonderful...

  3. Funny, Basil...Reeeeeeeeeel funny!!!

    At least I know how to spell "teh."

  4. Uh, Andy. Look again. It wasn't "retarDed pig," it was "reatared pig," no "D." Now sound it out, using your best Suthin' inflection. Your searcher was looking for retired geezers with bad taste or perhaps sexist tendencies, an obvious research project for eggheads that would attend such a prestigious institution. Might even have been faculty, after all.

    Which makes me wonder how he wound up here, rather than EIP. ;-)


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?