Thursday, February 18, 2010

Skunkfeathers is a "must read."

Hey y'all! Hugs, kisses, yada yada yada...

I have been meaning to do this for several months, but always forget. One of the best kept secrets on the worldwide computer is "Skunkfeathers."

Over the last couple of years, I have read Skunks' work...and truthfully, I double over laughing every time I read one of his posts. I have gotten to know the dude a bit through letter exchanges, and from his hilarious life experiences.

From screwing around with e-mail scammers, to fishing stories, to dental office visits, to Skunkfeathers, The Thanksgiving Chef fiasco, to almost everything in his life...I have truly come to love, and respect the comedic wit of Skunks.

If you do not have Skunks on your list, you are missing a treat EVERY TIME he posts something.

In his latest work, it seems that Skunks did survive Hairmageddon.

Put Skunkfeathers on your feed reader. You will not be disappointed. Trust me. Have I ever lied to ya'? scared


  1. Awwwwwww, shucks...thank ye.

    But dagnabbit, now I gotta write sumpin goooood...*oh, the stress on my lobotomy..*

  2. Skunks, no need to thank me, nor to feel any extra pressure. I am sure that my rekkymendation will likely drive your traffic through the floor.

    Dude, are my favorite comedy writer on the Web. Maybe I'm just that quirky... Yeah, that's probably it.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?