Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Gooble is my friend...(#14) I OWN THE GOOBLE...I'll swear, I'm really starting to think I do!

Okay, Okay...if you're tired of this junk just move on along. But, it MUST be noted when Andy's Place is #1 on The Gooble Search© results. It's a rule...

It MUST be done, not because I like bragging on myself much, or this puny little blog much. It must be done because in my position as self-appointed The Wrongness of The Gooble Czar™, it is incumbent upon me to either do my job, or retire. I am not frustrated by the dysfunctional nature of The Gooble just yet. (We're looking at you Evan Bayh...quitter...)

As y'all know, at one time, Andy's Place pulled strong #1's only in "Hannah Giles images," "midget wrestling," "don't trust china," " my son is a fat slob," etc., etc., etc... Those #1's have been chronicled...and those visitors continue to pour in to Andy's Place daily. (I'll swear, I'll bet I've had 100 visitors today looking for Hannah Giles, Lindsey Evans, or midget wrestling photos...and morons still trying to find out if Eli Manning is a Christian, or if Drew Brees' son is retarded...MONORS!)

However...A visitor landed at Andy's Place yesterday, who was not stupid at all. Obviously, said searcher is a good guy/gal. I was "humbled" to realize that Andy's Place is #1 in a particular search term. And, I also laughed when I realized that we beat out some self-righteous Gomer, and our favorite blog to beat out in search results.

You will note after you click on it that we once again beat out the heathens at DemocraticUnderground.


Look, I hate to keep making this point over and over...but, I'm pretty sure I have tapped in to something with The Gooble. Believe it or not, I have only shared with y'all a tiny fraction of The Gooble Search© results that Andy's Place comes out on top. I have a file several chiggerbites tall that I've compiled. But then again, I am in charge of exposing their wrongness.

Maybe they're trying to get on my good side...


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?