Wednesday, February 17, 2010

President "Bobby?"

As y'all that have been regular visitors to Andy's Place since the beginning know, me and Louisiana Goober, Bobby Jindal, were once close friends.

We had touted Bobby as the Louisiana Savior, and quite possibly the savior of our nation. We were not alone in our kudos. No lesser conservatives than Rush Limbaugh, Grover Norquist, and a whole bunch of other folks on the right were just as excited about our fresh-faced young goober. Limbaugh featured Bobby...Norquist spoke of him as "the future" of conservatism.

Me and Bobby got to be pretty good buddies. In fact, he invited me to his Goobernatorial Inauguration in Baton Rouge (and even paid for the bus ticket himself). It was a long story that I will not recount right now. But, Bobby felt so bad about the trouble I had getting there, that he invited me up on the podium with him as he gave his Inaugural Address.

And, I (being me) could not help but clown around with my (at that time) good buddy, Bobby Jindal.

But, things have changed. I must admit that I have been quite disappointed with my (former) buddy, Bobby Jindal. Not only will he not take my phone calls any more...he doesn't even send me computer letters.

The Atlantic (which is a leftie-jackass bunch) is reporting that Bobby Jindal is releasing a book, entitled "On Solid Ground: Returning to America's Core Values." And, they are ass uming that this may mean he is running for President in 2012.

Their article makes some decent points. Normally someone with Presidential ambitions does introduce themselves with a treatise of sorts. "What I believe...Why I believe it...What I'd do about it, yada yada yada..."

The article focuses on Mitt Romney's book, Sarah Palin's book, and Mike Huckabee's book...and how maybe Bobby's book might be an indicator that he'd like to run for the Republican nomination for President against ObozO (or Hillary) in 2012.

This junk is nothing new. I remember reading Jimmuh Cahtuh's book way back in 1976. I think it was called, "Why Not The Best?" I could be wrong about the title, but it was something like that. Jimmuh had written this book to introduce himself to a broad public that had never heard of him (and most now wish they never had. Just sayin'...).

I have been reluctant to dump on my former good buddy, Bobby Jindal. But, I will say that I have been very disappointed in his Goobernorship here in Louisiana. The conservatives here in the State have had to drag Bobby (kicking and screaming often) into doing the right thing. Bobby often touts (on national TV & radio programs) the great fiscal reforms, tax cuts, ethics reforms, education accountability standards, etc. that have taken place under his administration.

Bunk! It's all just talk. Things are no better than they were when Kathleen "BlankCheck" Blanco was Goober. In many ways, they have been made worse by what Bobby has pushed for, and gotten from the Legislature.

As former Arkansas Governor, Mike Huckabee began to emerge on the national stage a few years back, there was great excitement amongst conservatives. "Yeah! He da man! He's a Christian, and conservative, and everything he says is like 'right on, right on, right on!' " But, what the folks didn't know is that Huck had almost single-handedly destroyed the conservative movement in Arkansas. He talked one way, and governed another. He left Arkansas in the hands of two Democrat Senators, and a Republican Party in shambles.

Huck is a nice guy, and he does play a mean guitar. And, I don't want him to be my President.

Bobby is a nice guy. And, he is a stinkin' genius...a prodigy. Maybe he should take up the guitar.

President Bobby? Let's find somebody better...


  1. Actually, the field of candidates to replace that blockhead Barry may have increased by pet rock, Seymour, is eyeing a run in '12.

  2. He talked one way, and governed another.

    That, in a wonderfully short and to the point sentence, is the issue with ALL politicians. Every damned one.

  3. 4 comments now, and not one of y'all have mentioned my amazin' Photoshop work.


    Jim knows...he be a fellow Louisianian...and he knows of what I speak.

    Skunks...I'm voting for Seymour.

    Buck and Staci...there are a "rare" few "elected officials" that I have great respect for. I have ZERO respect for "politicians."

  4. yes, I'm in agreement........ I saw Bobby look pretty bad as a rebuttal speaker or whatever they call it.. Huck?- I think it is a case of the loony lib media trying to pick a repub candidate like they managed to do with mccain............ mccain the horrible...... the guy from out west somewhere..... at this point, I'm not sure who I would vote for........ maybe the 67 yr old guy that whupped the thug on the bus---- remember......... VietNamTom....... my kinda guy
    eckerpen-- confirmword
    what's next? peckerhead?

  5. fshafer, you always make me laugh. Peckerhead, nyuk!

    Not only did Bobby look bad...he is a man of platitudes. He's a nice guy, a stinkin' genius, and a decent Joe. But, his actions just don't match his mouth.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?