Monday, February 22, 2010

Heh! Sully's got a new weekly feature...

Our blog buddy, Sully, has released the latest in his series of Mohammad cartoons. (In a continued show of solidarity with Danish political cartoonist Kurt Westergaard — )

In case you missed it, here is the first in the series.

Good job, Sully! I'm sure Westergaard appreciates the love...


  1. Didn't Sully fly a plane into the Hudson river? and now he draws pics of mohammed? sounds like my kind of guy.


  2. The next one should be Mohammed trying to fix a plugged toilet from the bottom...

  3. fshafer, yes sir, Sully did fly a plane into the Hudson. But the cartoonist Sully did it on purpose, just to kill fish.

    Skunks, we should pass that along to Sully...sounds like a winner to me. In fact, I had to do that a few weeks back, and...wait...

    Funny Skunks...real funny...nyuk!


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?