Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Humpday Hottie...Rule #2, (A little clarification on things...)

Okay, so earlier today I announced that we may just include a "Humpday Hottie" feature here at Andy's Place, and I sent out an invitation for submissions.  Evidently, I was not clear enough with The Submission Rules.

I'm sure of it, because the first two submissions we got today just will not work for our purposes.  Now, I'm not blaming y'all, because I only laid down Rule #1.  It's my fault that y'all were uninformed...but I appreciate the effort.

The first submission came from Staci, and was entitled "Tiger Shark Spotted In Florida."  I blacked out the name, so as not to cast aspersions on one that was unfamiliar with all the rules (yet).

Okay...a little clarification before we get to Rule #2.  This is "Humpday Hottie!"  Hottie...singular!  Pictures of more than one Hottie will not really fit in with what we're doing here.  (Hmmm...come to think of it, perhaps the "Hottie" that our contributor had in mind is Tiger.  Hmmm...)

Regardless, this is NOT what we're looking for, and leads me to Rule #2.  Another contributor also got the "Hottie/Hotties" (singular/plural) thing wrong.

Yep, Ms. Louise sent along a photo, which illustrates my ignorance at laying down ALL the Humpday Hottie Submission Rules.

Rule #2:

So, now that we've got that all cleared up, I'll be more than happy to receive rule-following submissions.  If any of y'all break any rule I haven't come up with yet, I'll let y'all know.

We are new at this, and will make up the rules as we go along.


  1. I can't help but notice both of these submissions have DUDES in them. Methinks Andy's Joint is becoming one of those FLAMER outfits. Especially since you did not publish MY submission.

  2. Paul, you should obviously know that today's "Humpday Hottie" post (posts) are designed to lay down the rules as to WHAT NOT TO SUBMIT!

    Fortunately, you obviously knew these rules in advance, and your submission has been cleared for publication. WAY CLEARED!

    Don't get your feelings hurt, okay?

    And, FLAMERS we is not. I just figure it's best to get the ground rules laid out ahead of time, as to discourage those that are likely to continue with such junk.

    It's nothing personal...just an editorial decision.

    I also forgot to mention in The Rules, that we don't want pictures of guys wearing earrings, either. NOT HOT!


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?