Tuesday, February 16, 2010

So, there was a commercial on The Food Network...

...and I had heard that CNBC might be showing some Olympic junk besides the flouncy male (cough cough) figure skaters.

(Trust me, I'm giving this Olympic deal a shot again after 30 years of not watching it.)

Sure enough, they were! CNBC has got a barn-burner of an event going on over there.

Did y'all know that the chink gals play hockey?

Can anybody say 标题九?


  1. The only thing I've found really entertaining on the Olympics is those pants the Norwegian Curling Team wears. The pants alone deserve the gold.

  2. The Chinese girls play AT hockey. And based on what I've seen so far the American and Canadian women are the only ones who actually play hockey. I would have thought the Russian women would be better than they are but they suck, too.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?