Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Teh Stoopid Search(es) of the day... (#5) And, The Gooble is Wrong!

So, when did Andy's Place get to be the "go-to bovine image source" for The Gooble Search©?

Jeepers! Every day, I get the most ignorant visitors passing through this place looking for ignorant pictures of cow junk. Seriously!

Below, you will see 3 searchers from just one day. They are stupid (each in their own way). And, The Gooble image search® results are WRONG for sending them here to find their info.


"is there a orange cow?" It's, "is there an orange cow," you moron! And no, there is no orange cow, you moron! (Unless you're talking about orange juice and ice cream blended up in a glass...then, yes there is. Moron!)


"cow diarrhea." Now, what kind of oddball wants to see a picture of "cow diarrhea?" Interestingly, this searcher was from Piggot, Arkansas. (I didn't know they had computers in Piggot, but it should be easy to find cow diarrhea there without a computer)


"cow Sugar Packet holder." The Gooble is WRONG! Obviously, this is likely a housewife, or perhaps a restaurant owner looking for a little plastic dealie to sit on the table and hold "sugar packets" that resembles a cow. (I can not truly classify this searcher as "stupid." Probably a sane person that has been wronged by The Gooble! When will they ever learn?)

The Gooble Search© sent all three to the same photo. Now, how in the name of all things holy on the internet could a picture of a white face bull, launching off on a poor, defenseless cow help any of those sincere (though maybe stupid) searchers?

How? I ask you!

Have I mentioned before that The Gooble is Wrong?

I'm gonna be selling 'em pretty soon...and pretty cheap, too! Get your PayPal account all loaded up, so you can be the first on your block to have one.


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