Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Humpday Hottie...

This week's entry was sent in by ClassicaLiberal. Y'all, CL is a good blogger, and is making quite a name for himself on the right.

But, I don't think he understood quite what we were looking for. The "Hottie" doesn't necessarily have to posses humps.

But, I'm giving him an F for F-fort anyhow!  Thanks, CL!


  1. Me thinks that lady has two rear ends, one high, one low.

    Why is it that people who DEFINITELY SHOULD NOT wear revealing clothes have this tendency to wear them??? :)

  2. I don't see the "low" rear end of which you speak, Staci. But, ya' gotta admit she's hot.

  3. Too early in the morning for this. I was trying to figure out why her face was covered with hair.

  4. Nyuk! I'll have to e-mail you on that one.

  5. I was wondering if this was taken in a Walmart parking lot? I know I've sent you some of those "Faces of Walmart." This looks like it could possibly be one of those!

  6. We certainly have different definitions of "hottie." Just sayin'. ;-)

  7. Al Franken's mom is going to be pissed when she finds out we've plastered her picture all over the interwebs...

  8. Back Titties without the nips. MUD


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?