Sunday, May 23, 2010

Andy does his Glenn Reynolds impersonation... #10

"The atmosphere was absolutely electric" at the Salt Lake City Coffee Party mass rally.


  1. There could have been a reason for the low turnout, before you criticize too much ask yourself these questions.
    1. Was PETA having a pro-chicken rally on the same day?
    2. Was Al Gore speaking anywhere within a 200 mile radius?
    3. Was there a 'legalize marijuana' rally anywhere in the area?
    Don't jump to conlusions, they may have another 5 or 6 people there next time for all you know!

  2. Good point, Jim. There could have also been a code pink, or gay pride rally.

  3. Heh.

    Nope -- this needs more than a "Heh."

    I'm awarding it a full-out "Nanny, nanny boo-boo!"


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?