Monday, May 24, 2010

Andy sports his "tin-foil-hat." Again...

I'll tell y'all...since I shaved my head, this tin-foil-hat really warms me up quick!  I mean, it's almost like a black cornbread skillet...heats up fast, and cools off slow.

Okay, I'm just doing this to clear a bunch of  Firefox tabs that I've had open since yesterday.  Kinda...

Our good friend, Paul Mitchell linked to an old post he found from June 27, 2004 a couple of days ago.  The article found here is headlined, "Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate." 

My initial thought was, "this is a faked up deal," but it seems that this is a real publication headquartered in Nairobi, KenyaThe East African Standard seems to be a long published newspaper that also posts an online edition, focusing on important East African issues, news, sports, LOCAL FOLKS DONE GOOD, etc.

Now, just to take my blazing hot hat off for a moment, the first article linked to was done by a news organization.  In Kenya.  So, it's likely only about 40 times more reliable than ANY news article done by a US newspaper...which means that it's likely not accurate at all.

But, I find it interesting that Kenyans assumed early on in ObozO's political rise that he was one of their native-born sons.  I can only suppose that it was assumed as a fact, due to word of mouth, or some recorded info that the particular reporter had viewed, or maybe from speaking with people like ObozO's kinfolks that were there at the hospital in Nairobi when he was born (like they've recounted to others from less reliable news organizations here in the US).

Or, maybe it's just a figment of the writer's imagination, or a bold faced lie designed to trick them Kenyans!

Yeah, that's probably it...just trying to make Kenya look good to Kenyans.

Is it going to make any difference?  Heck no!  But it is interesting to me.  And I needed to clear these Firefox tabs I've had open for a while.


  1. I loved that article. And I shall ALWAYS love that article.

    (Andy is STUPID.)

  2. It's one of my most often used labels.

  3. Bwahahaha. Love the tin-foil hat reference.
    Guys, I know a lot of people love this one, and I'm not an Obama lover by any means, but come on, why would the entire state government of Hawaii conspire on this?
    I know the answer I always get (yes, I have had this conversation before) is 'why won't he release the original documents'?
    My answer is why would he, this proves a very useful diversion from legitimate disagreement. In my opinion, this controversy just sucks the air out of the room.
    Those tin foil hats do get hot in the summertime, I'm not past putting one on at times.

  4. Jim, as I said, it will make ZERO difference. It's just one of those things I feel compelled to chronicle.

    One day, I'm gonna want to say, "I told you so!" to a bunch of "deniers." Nyuk!

    I've been over this a hundred times. After ObozO was elected, I felt that it was time to drop the pursuit of the truth about his Kenyan birth...would do too much damage to the nation, probably result in civil unrest, violence, etc.

    But, I use this blog to store info for future reference. So, it's there now...and when I write my history book, I'll be able to reference it.

    The REAL failings/issues/agenda of the "Kenyan-born Obama" are certainly much more important to focus on. But, I think others have covered 'em pretty well.

    I just find it interesting that Kenyans got fooled in to thinking he was born there... ;)

  5. Andy, I came up with my own special design for my tin foil hat. I wrapped my hard hat that has the straps that keep it off the head. Then I added a cooling fan that blows are up into the open space. Of course I had to carry a backpack with a car battery to keep it going long term. I can send you the diagram if you want to step up in the world and build your own.

  6. Even if Obamugabe's had been born in Kenya and his father had been a lowland gorilla, his mother was an American - sort of - and that makes him an American - even though he sadly doesn't seem to realize it.

  7. Interesting article. And citizenship aside, don't you think that O's buddies at the Chicago Tribune and the judge who opened the Ryans' divorce papers to them were knee deep in that Daley-Emanuel-Obama Chicago political crud?

    But Andy, I'm shocked that you still wear a tinfoil hat after the Goreacle has pronounced this the Age of Green. It's explained in his book. All lovers of the earth must now hand in their tinfoil hats and wear hats made of grass. No not that kind of grass. Grass grass. The grass hat kinda looks like a mini thatched roof and has the added benefit of being a lot cooler than the tinfoil one.

  8. I wasn't gonna comment IAW Mom's Prime Directive ("If you can't say anything NICE...") but... Stupidity doesn't recognize international borders.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?