Saturday, May 8, 2010

For no particular reason... #74 ...

Well, once again, for the 74th time,  I am lying about there being no particular reason.

Thanks, Nancy!

Okay, I am not either naive, nor retarded enough to not know that EVERYONE who reads this pitiful little blog has heard this song.

I just decided to post it for no particular reason. (I'm lying)...many memories...


1) Rusheon Junior High

2) Larry Ryan

3) It ain't cut down to 3:05 (or something like that)

4) Bitchin' hair styles in the video

5) Amazed at how long Don's little piece has captivated the minds of music lovers

6) Bitchin' hair styles in the video

7) Nancy stuck this song in my head last night, and I've learned that if I don't go ahead and post a song, I will never get a good night's sleep

8)  Bitchin' hair styles in the video

9)  You can sing every single stinkin' lyric without even having to doubt yourself.  You can.  Admit it!

10) can fill in the blank. _______________


  1. Really, you were still at Rusheon when this came out? Right before I got married? Whippersnapper.

  2. Nuthin' personal, but this is one of those "if I NEVER hear it again it'll be too soon" kinda songs for me. I got wore out on it after the 235th time I heard it in the first week it made the Top 40...

  3. Buck, nothin' personal taken! It's one of them deals...I'll get a song stuck in my head, and until I post the vid, it stays there.

    I'm odd.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?