Saturday, July 3, 2010

Caught her in a lie!

This morning I was heading out on a couple of errands, and I saw my neighbor lady across the street outside wearing a dress.  Not a real fancy dress, but MUCH more fancy than the normal Saturday morning attire around here.

So, I rolled down my window and hollered at her:

Me:  "Hey, kiddo!  You're all dressed up.  Y'all going somewhere?"

She:  "No.  Not going anywhere!  It was just the easiest thing to throw on, I guess."

Well, a few minutes later I was coming out of the Dollar General Store just down the street, and lookie who comes walking in the front door.  Yep!

Me:  "You was lying!  You got yourself all gussied up for that big trip to the Dollar Store!"

Her:  (laughing)  "Well ya' know.  A girl's gotta keep up appearances here in our high class 'hood."

I laughed, and it reminded me of this newspaper clipping I've had around here for a while.



  1. I seen this before. But I know how she feels. That means I don't have to button the bottom side buttons on my overalls.

  2. By the way, I stoled this and put it on Facebook. Beat you to it.
    Darrell, I need to get me some overalls, nothing in the world is more comfortable.

  3. Darrell, somehow I never figured you for an "overalls" kind of guy. But, as Jim noted they are awfully comfortable...especially when you don't hitch up the side buttons.

    Jim, I was gonna make a bad joke about Junior Samples and some blog war with Stringbean (as they both sported overalls, though of slightly different sizes)...but I won't. ;)

  4. Heh. I guess all the "dressing down" at the Dollar Store is why there is no photographic "People of the Dollar Store" website like there is for "The People of Wal Mart."

  5. "Jim, I was gonna make a bad joke about Junior Samples and some blog war with Stringbean (as they both sported overalls, though of slightly different sizes)...but I won't. ;)"
    Hey, the comparison was deliberate!

  6. I knew that, Jim...


    And, Nyuk! That was one of the funniest references I've read in a good long while.

    Don't hurt me. Please.

  7. Andy, actually I am not an overalls person. But I think if I wore a pair at this point in my life, I might look like Junior Samples.

  8. photographic "People of the Dollar Store" website..

    Do I hear opportunity knocking?

    wv: dabig. This could be dabig one!

  9. Buck, it has crossed my mind.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?