Thursday, May 19, 2011

I don't think I'd admit it publicly...


Well, I probably would admit it, but I wouldn't pay extra license tag fees to do it.  I mean, if I was so ignurnt as to get a Gubmit Motors vehicle I'd probably tell y'all on The Globber. 

Which is free.

But I wouldn't pay extra money to advertise the fact.

I mean, it's kinda like putting a "KICK ME, I'M STUPID" sign on your own back.


  1. I mean, if I was so ignurnt as to get a Gubmit Motors vehicle...

    OTOH, there are those of us who have the EXACT same opinion of benighted souls who drive Furds. I would dearly love to have a Vette or either of the V-series Caddies. Taste, yanno?

  2. Nyuk! Hey Buck, I just posted that for your benefit. Lemme e-mail you a little story.

  3. At least he's willing to admit he got screwed of his own accord.

    I'll push my Ford before I drive another GM.

  4. I'll push my Ford before I drive another GM.

    Dave, you realize don't you, that you just served up a hanging curve ball to Buck.

    Well, I look at it this way. Old CONNED is doing his/her part to pay back their own tax dollars which were spent to rescue a company that failed miserably against their competition. It's the New American Way.

    Convoluted, I know, but the CONNED family are really great patriots.

  5. I meant that in all seriousness. GM is selling my cars to the CHICOMS than they are in America. That ought to tell you something.

    Sorry...I'm a bit cranky tonight.

  6. Good! I was afraid Smokey had cleaned y'all out.

  7. "Hanging curve ball." Heh. You guys DO have a grasp on reality, after all.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?