Saturday, August 20, 2011

The only problem I have with the "The Iraq War Was Wrong" blog... that Iraqwarwrong does not post nearly often enough.

He's got one up this morning.  And, I for one am glad the Baghdad Museum has not been forgotten.  

Put him on your The GoobleReader©. When he does post, it is always with passion, clarity, and truly representative of...well, of...well...

"Tell it at the streets. Scream it from the stovetops."



  1. That makes my brain tired. Kinda like when I had to grade papers written by my B Law students for whomk English was a second language.

  2. What has happened to Another Black Conservative blog?

  3. TIWWW is kinda like the NYT, only better... which is to say written in terms we all can understand.

  4. Oh, is it my turn? Wait, I gotta get down from the stovetop. Oh, damn, I broke the stovetop. Oh, well, I didn't need all those burners; and the Iraqis didn't need their freedom.

  5. Heh! IWWW has written some funny junk over the years. His post about the superiority of Keynesian economics is one of the funniest damn things I've read on the internet.

  6. I'm with Moogie on this one. I didn't read very far before my brain said, "really!?"

  7. I can't decide if it's a joke or 'fer reals'.

  8. Over and Over we try to bring freedom and democracy to people at the point of a bayonet. We are in Debt so far that we may never get out and someone continues to yell that we owe people freedom. I have not seen on thing in Iraq or Afghanistan that was worth one life of our fine young soldiers. If I were in charge I would do everythig I could to fina an alternative to oil and let the Arab world worry about the Arab world.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?