Monday, August 10, 2009


Now that we are beset with the most corrupt, arrogant, and inept administration imaginable...and possibly the two most unqualified morons to ever lead the US Congress...and have firmly entrenched in our highest court our first openly racist Justice in eons...

Well, it just keeps getting better and better! Following the 2010 census, it is likely that California will GAIN NINE CONGRESSIONAL SEATS!

Yep, California! ...The State that is so clueless that it sends Pelosi, Boxer, Maxine Watters, DiFi (and assorted other bazoomorons) to represent them as "their best!" Yep, California! ...The State that is BILLIONS of bucks in the red...paying employees with IOUs...and more concerned with saving baby rats than their economy.

Yep, California! ...The State with quite possibly the largest group of retarded humans with enough training to find the polls on election day is likely to GAIN more clout in the US House of Representatives after the 2010 census. Anybody want to take a guess as to "how they gonna pull that off?"

John Baker (a Constitutional Law professor at LSU), and Eliott Stonecipher (a Shreveport demographer...and a heckuvaguy) 'splain the reason in an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal. I'll give you a hint. Think wetback.

"Of course, other states lose out when noncitizens are counted for reapportionment. According to projections of the 2010 Census by Election Data Services, states certain to lose one seat in the 2010 reapportionment are Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania; states likely (though not certain) to lose a seat are Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, and Ohio could lose a second seat. But under a proper census enumeration that excluded illegal residents, some of the states projected to lose a representative—including our own state of Louisiana—would not do so."

It's an interesting read. I learned some junk about the history of the census. Take a minute and give it a look.


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