Friday, December 7, 2012

The "Old Man" is coming...


The Autumn of 2012 has been one of the most enjoyable periods of my life that I can remember (when it comes to the weather).  If you are a skinny, bony, rapidly aging dude that finds each and every approaching Old Man Winter as repulsive as I do, you know of what I speak.

Here we are on Pearl Harbor Day with the sun shining, and at 70-something.  


Our Sweet Olive bloomed.


And her fragrance wafts up my extremely handsome nostrils each time I walk outside.

It's been bitchin' good around here!

But, the newly acquired Confederate Rose has given up the ghost.  She only has one dark red bloom, and a bunch of dead blossom-lookin'-dealies hanging on for dear life.

We're screwed.

The Mrs., and myself have noticed that we have a dookie-load of acorns falling from the Live Oak...more than either of us can remember in the 16 Autumns we've lived here.

And, we ALL know what that means.


Old Man Winter will be here in a couple of days.  Mr. Weather even said so!  (Local readers will know who I'm talking about)

Crud...I am not looking forward to Tuesday morning(Isn't there a store named something like that?)


So...why did Andy post such a lame blog post dealie about the weather?  Everybody knows that EVERYBODY talks about the weather, and we can't do nothing about it.

Well...I was just trying to make sure I remembered how to use The Globber.

That''s really why.



  1. Man up. Will not be that bad. Acorns are all over my driveway too. Never seen so many.

  2. I realize that I may be in the minority here, but I actually prefer cold over hot (at least, so long as it isn't Boston or Buffalo or Fairbanks, Alaska cold). I'll always love the South, but I'm about done with these 100+ degree summers. Must have something to do with the extra insulation I carry under my clothes.

  3. And, we ALL know what that means.

    I do NOW... once someone 'splained it to me. On Tuesday you're gonna get what we're getting tomorrow, but a LOT better. We have a forecast high of 45 tomorrow, a low of 16, and a 30% chance o' freakin' SNOW.


  4. When I leave work tomorrow morning, it'll be about - 5 degrees there ;-)

  5. Most of our winter clothes are packed in a POD stored somewhere in central Arkansas, and it got into the 30s here last week! That's blamed cold for New Orleans!

    I'm getting ready to bury a statue of St. Joseph in the yard, upside down, facing the house. That's supposed to do the trick of selling a house.

    Hang in there.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?