Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Hey y'all, I forgot to update you on Phillip's PRK eye surgery progress. I took him Monday afternoon over to the eye clinic for his second follow-up (can you believe that...Memorial Day?).

I told the surgery lady that we'd be glad to wait until Tuesday so she could have a real day off. She told me, "No sir, Mr. Andy...I want to see him today!!!!!" She's real persuasive. We got over there and of course everything was locked up. Here she came in a minute and opened up the building.

We had to walk up the stairs...evidently the elevators are shut down by timers during holidays. Well, I dragged myself up the stairs while she and Phil were jogging up...but I made it!

She checked his eyes, removed the protective contacts, and said that everything was looking good. He is seeing right now (4 days after his surgery) at 20/50. That is really good, considering that he was at 20/400 before the surgery. My understanding of this deal is that as the healing continues it will get better and better, until it reaches as close to 20/20 as possible.

The best part is that he has been pain-free for about 2 days, and has been released to drive, exercise, etc. He was elated! He went on a date last night (with a girl by the way...) on his motorcycle. He said he didn't have any trouble with headlights. He hit the pavement again today on a long run. He was glad. He had told me that all this lying around on pain meds had made him feel like a "big tub of slop."

So, the report is "thumbs up." I really appreciate y'all praying for the boy. I really do...


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