Friday, February 6, 2009


Two Dogs has written a tribute to President Ronald Reagan that is one of the better "common man" thoughts that I've come across in a while.

I would recommend you take a look at it. If you don't know what he means by "Blackuary," you'll have to look back at some previous posts in the month of February. It refers to "Black History Month," and the ridiculous nature of sectioning off black history from American history as a whole.

A couple of good quotes:

There are many things that must be considered when getting into the mindset of Blackuary. You have to think like a victim, think like a loser, and think like a person living in poverty. There have been many people in history that drug the victims kicking and screaming from their loserdom. None like today's HERO.

The driving force behind the philosophy of this man was that he ent
ered the work force during the depression, he watched as NO ONE benefited from government expansion, he observed a move toward socialism and Communism in his chosen profession, and he watched as the elitists destroyed the poor folks simply to gain power and control over those that were downtrodden.

With a Congress full of the people that had always been power hungry racists, the Democrats, this guy STILL managed to pull this country from the economic devastation and mediocrity of government regulation. He removed forty thousand pages of government regulations from the books that usher
ed in the longest peacetime expansion of our economy in history.

Read the whole post...

By the way, here is a picture of my beloved Granddaddy, Billy Joe Austin (far left), and his baby brother Ed (far right). This was the time President Reagan had them up to the White House for country ham & biscuits.


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