Friday, February 19, 2010

The Gooble is wrong! (#44) And, it's getting on my nerves! Dangit!

Now, The Gooble has been on again/off again with Andy's Place, since we began to expose the wrongness of their search results.

While, I obviously "Own The Gooble," and continue to rack up #1 positions left and right on their search pages. Much resentment obviously exists among many at The Gooble. Now, they are getting on my nerves.

An image searcher hit Andy's Place with a specific critera. Click on it at left, and you will see...

And, once again, just as in "My son is a fat slob," and "fat guy on vacation" searches, the Gooble has decided to pick on me, The Wrongness of The Gooble Czar™.

Yep, that is yours truly at age 17. Of course, The Gooble is WRONG! It's a fat guy in a chair, you Gooble monors!

And, if that's not enough, some joker that works for the school system in Fresno, Cali-stinkin'-fornia lands here a while ago.

Click on that at left, and see what they're doing to me.

They're gonna be sorry. I mean, sooooorrrrry!


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