Friday, February 19, 2010

The TSA...

"Truly. Stupid. Asses."

Now, let me preface this by saying that I have a particular prejudice against the TSA (Truly. Stupid. Asses.) I have not ONCE flown since 9/11 without being singled out for special treatment by the TSAs at the TSA. Certainly, I understand why. I am obviously a candidate to be of some grave danger to other passengers, and quite possibly to the safety of The Nyunited States itself!

I am old(ish), white, extremely square-looking, and speak Southern...obviously a terrorist. So, I can understand why EVERY TIME I FLY, I am pulled aside, wanded, patted down, strip searched, cavity searched, and receive an explosive detecting pedicure from either a 400 pound black woman, or a 94 year-old great-great-grandma!

It has become a big joke between me and The Mrs. We KNOW it's going to happen. We flew out of San Diego once, and of course I was pulled out...along with an 80 year-old dude with a cane, and was forced to prostrate before 3 Filipino T.S.A. female A's, while Mohamed, Abdul, and their cousin, Mohamed Abdul, just meandered through (carrying Allah knows what).

The only time I've missed the Truly Stupid Ass treatment was when I flew out of Monterey, CA. It was about 6 am, and Barney in dreadlocks was obviously stoned. I thought, "now, this is a good argument for legalizing pot," but I digress.

I was over at Two Dogs/ Mean ol' meany Paul Mitchell's place the other day, and he had linked to a story that is still just burning the last cookout's crud off my grill rack.

(BTW, before I go on...Paul is my friend. And, a great American that has almost single-handedly raised a great American son. His son, Ben, left two days ago for Great Lakes...he be off up in the U.S. Navy now! Paul done raised him a squid! I don't know the boy, but he must be pretty sharp, because what he got accepted in to do is just about as hard to get into as anything! Go over there and congratulate Paul on a 'job well did!')

Back to the story... One thing that ticks me off about it is that it is just now being reported after almost a year. You need to read the whole thing, but I'm gonna make an observation or two before I hand the link off to you.

I am a man of peace. I kinda just "go along to get along," and pretty much give everybody grace when they're doing their job. I don't bitch at folks...even if they are obviously incompetent on their job. I'm mild mannered, and patient.

BUT, if I had been this Police Officer father, somebody would have a broken jaw (at minimum).

In truth, the fact that this father IS a Police Officer (and trained to be disciplined) is probably what saved Barney from a long hospital stay. As a father/parent, it is easy for me to put myself in these folks' shoes. But, even though I have a son with problems myself...this is different, and this is one that makes my heart go out to these folks...and to their little tyke.

The Truly Stupid Asses once again live up to my expectations. Read the post at Stop the ACLU, and the linked article from the Philadelphia Inquirer.



  1. Everything I have read about TSA is horrible. I haven't flown since 9-11 and hope I don't have to!
    BTW, my 18 year old grandson left 2 days ago for Great Lakes too. He signed up for the Navy Reserves, will be there for two months and then schooling in Gulfport for 3 months. It does make you proud!

  2. Jim, HA! Your grandson left the same day as Paul's boy... Bwahahahahahaha!

    Small world. I'm sure they are in the same group. They might even be bunk-mates! How cool would that be? Paul's boy is from Jackson, MS.

    Well, GOOD ON YOUR GRANDSON! When you get a chance to talk to him (and as you know, it will be a while), give him the Reeves family "Salute!" Good boy...

    As a Daddy that has sent two sons off in similar circumstances, I can say, "Yes sir...It does make you proud!"

  3. I have it in for the TSA, too. They confiscated my way-cool USS Monterey Zippo a couple o' years back since I (and it) were obviously a major threat to the flying public. Yet they let my back-up El Cheapo Bic butane lighters brazenly packed in my laptop bag sail right thru. I HATE those sunsabitches.

  4. I have nothing but nothing for the TSA. I haven't flown since prior to 9/11, and since I personally know one reject who used to work where I do, that now works as a line supervisor for the TSA in this neck of the woods, I know that the morons are in charge of the mental midgits...typical 'I'm from the govt, and I'm here to tell you how it's supposed to go all to hell', especially with libtards running the show (into the ground).

  5. TSA is a joke. The only thing they do is employ the brain dead, and make it so we have to get to the airport even earlier.

    Until they hire intelligent people, and profile based on race, it's a waste of time.

  6. Yep, Jim, your boy left the same day as mine. Mine is active Navy, but I am sure they shall meet in the next few days. And your boy's school on the MS Coast in April/May shall be about the only time you can stand the weather down there, unless you are shirtless and covering yourself in water.

    Thanks for the link, terrorist.

  7. Buck, I would be ticked if they took something like that off me. I know that was something that probably meant something to you.

    Skunks, maybe you oughta go get you one of them thar job dealies at the TSA. Dude, you could write a daily side-splitting column...just from employee interaction.

    Buckskins...intelligent people need not apply.

    Paul, since when do you thank for links? I thought we had that all worked out, that "thanks" are not allowed 'round hyar! Oh wait...I've never linked to you before. Never mind.

  8. Paul, I bet those southern boys are freezing their a**es off about now. Weather says 10 inches of new snow up there by this time tomorrow!

  9. Sorry, terrorist, no more thanks for you!

    Jim, I was mightily disheartened when the weather report only said 31 degrees through the end of the week. I want them to experience fifty below so their TASTY tears will freeze.

  10. Paul, I'm glad we've got that "thankee" deal straightened out.

    Just 31?

    Global warming spoils our fun.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?