Saturday, February 20, 2010

Uh oh! AOL might be cutting me off!

I got an e-mail this morning from, that I'm pretty sure needs my immediate attention. (Italics are mine)

Dear Account User,

This is from AOL Mail Team,we are sending out to all account users for verify
safety. Due to the anonomous register of our account which is
causing congested to our service, so we are shutting down som account
and your account was among those to be delete,so the purpose of this
message is for you to verify that you are owner of this accounting and
you are still use it by filling the information below after clicking
on reply button:

Full Name:
User name:
Account Security Question:
Date of Birth:
Country or Territory:

After following the instructions in the sheet,your account will not be
interrupt and will continue as normal. Thanks for your attention to
this request. We apologize for any inconveniences.

Account owner that refuse to update his/her account after a week of
receiving this warning will lose his or her account permanent.

The AOL Mail Team

PS - Check out the tour to learn more about AOL Mail. Click here to opt
out of receiving future promotional e-mail messages from AOL or go to
AOL Keyword: Email Preferences and unsubscribe. This screen name cannot
respond replies.

PO Box 65627
VA 20165-8805
Now wait just ONE DARN MINUTE! AOL usually asks me for my social security, and bank account #s, too. Hmmm......

Nyuk! Fill out the information, "after clicking on reply button." I think I'd better take care of this right now! If I don't, y'all won't be able to send me no computer letters after one week of disregard warning...


  1. I would go ahead and put in the credit card numbers and bank information anyway just to be on the safe side :-)

  2. That's what I did, Jim. Now you can keep my AOL address in your need to worry.

  3. So, Time-Warner sold AOL to the Nigerians? Who know?

  4. I heard some nigers rebelled in Niger and overthrew some dictator yesterday.
    but maybe it was nigeria and the nigerias...... you know they are two different countries, niger and nigeria........ and from what I have heard in chicago, the nigers don't like you confusing the two.

  5. France and African Union decry coup in Niger

    that is a true news line from the great CNN-

    had your _______ minds on overtime, didn't I?

  6. One would think that scammers/spammers would at least go to the effort to hire some folks that speak and read English fluently, as opposed to the ability to form incoherent spellings.

    Or maybe AOL is so lame that they don't have anyone that read/write either.

  7. After those couple of Niger comments, I'd like to thank everyone for refraining from praising Andy's niggardly ways.

  8. Niger’s takeover follows similar ousters in Mauritania and Guinea in 2008, and another one in Madagascar last year.

  9. I think we're ok Andy..........
    the bad word that whites are not allowed to say has two g's.

  10. and two e's---------
    so niggardly may be acceptable but not the simple niggar....... which is too close to the word unacceptable for white people to think or say..... were you a member of the Master Race, it may roll off your tongue like a mountain stream clinging firmly to the other fun words, M___F___.
    but you pinkys must stick with 'swell' and 'neat'.
    on holidays, you may use, "oh, yeah" or 'whoa'.
    happy black rule month

  11. Heh. One wonders if these asshats get ANY replies...

  12. Basil, I have not a "niggardly" bone in my body. My Momma and Daddy are both REAL white.

    fshafer, I had no idea that you are the "go-to" guy on all things "Afrocentrical." Please keep us all updated whenever a niggardly dictator is overthrown. It will be greatly appreciated.

    Buck, something tells me that they actually DO reply receivements.

  13. Oh, Buckskins...At first glance, I thought you may be on to something with AOL. It's free, and in their case, you REALLY DO get what you pay for.

    And, I'm with ya'! Jeepers, why not find a real American to help you scam real Americans. Then again, judging the avg. intelligence of Americans with internet access, the scammers probably do pretty well as is.

  14. Ooooh, yes, Buck...they get replies.

    From my various characters...and they get ALL the INFO they request.

    Granted, I hope they enjoy trying to USE what I send 'em...I bad that way.

    Yup. Bad. Greedy and mean-spirited, too.

    I have pencilled in on my calendar to start attending sensitivity training in December of 2050.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?