Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Guitar Wars (round six...we've dropped el espanol on this 'un!)

Okay...ya' gotta admit we've had a lots of fun, and have all enjoyed "Guitar Wars" since Dapper Dan brought it up, and Buck joined in, and noted that "we all win!"

I know I have. I've enjoyed the heck out of watching all these fabulous guitarists that have made a good living with their talent, sacrifice, hard work, etc.  I'm sure that you all have too (except for those few miscreants that have sent me computer letters telling me that this is getting boring, and that I suck...and you two can just go butt a stump)!

But, I came across this video today. I'm pretty sure this gal doesn't speak Spanish (that's why we've dropped el espanol...and gone with the French for "six," which if my rememberer is right is "six").

I'm pretty sure she's from Barbados, Jamaica, Haiti, or Africa (but don't quote me, because it's just a guess).

Ya' gotta' love the dude in the background! He is thoroughly unimpressed with the whole deal. They're probably just sitting around on break from their back-breaking labor...doing whatever back-breaking labor they do, and he's heard it a million times before.

Still in all...this chick can pick!  Amazing how much talent there is out there, huh?


  1. Andy, Hey mon (I'm going with Jamaica), I like this. She makes that cheap looking box sound great and she makes some pretty fancy moves with that left hand. Great selection. And I'm not bored. This could be like the Hundred Year Guitar War or something as far as I'm concerned.

  2. Heh. You've had complaints? I don't wanna know anyone who actually complains about music in a generic sense. I can understand not liking certain genres (I hate opera screeching, for example) but to complain about the many and varied guitar bits? Philistines.

    To the subject at hand... what Dan said. That woman's fretboard technique is rilly kewl.

  3. Dan, you're probably right, mon!

    As Buck notes, that overhanded deal is pretty cool.

    She probably would have made a fabulous steel guitar player on The Opry.

    Fabulous talent out there...

    I've heard way too many people say, "you make me sick!" when they envy the looks, talent, etc. of others that they wished they had.

    It makes me smile. I've not got it! What was that old line from "Bye Bye Birdie?" "When you have not, you ain't got!" Maybe that was it...but I never despise others who have what I secretly (or not so secretly) wish I possessed.

    Lots of talent out there, for sure.

  4. Andy, I don't remember the line from "Bye Bye Birdie," but I do remember Jerry Reed's "When you're hot, you're hot; when you're not, you're not!" On the geetar and about a thousand other things, I'm definitely in the "not" category.

  5. Dan, Heh! Maybe I'm could have been Jerry's line I was thinking of.


    I'm way in the "not" category on a galactic scale in darn near everything. ;)

  6. She's actually from Botswana (possibly a suburb og Detroit - nyuk!).


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?