Thursday, May 13, 2010

Is it "Global Warming,"

or the spill in The Gulf, or what?

I'm not sure.  But, I blame Bush!


  1. Where's AlGore?!? I think it must be a carbon exchange thing.

  2. Andy, I got woke up at 0338 the other morning for a car accident. A lady swerved to miss a bunny rabbit and rolled her car 3 times (she's ok, btw). I'm sure that somehow somewhere that rabbit jumping out in front of her car was G.W. Bush's fault. Isn't everything? I mean, when obamabingbangcare fails, won't that also be his fault. Somehow?

  3. I haven't got a single clue where the ring went, but obamabingbangcare is a keeper of a name!

    WV: cheneys


  4. What is a Jupiter? Is it one of the stars that orbits the flat Earth?

  5. Andy, for the sake of accuracy you should have consulted Al Gore so you could have given a definitive answer to your question.

  6. Red, thanks!

    Moogie, I think Al Gore is on Uranus negotiating nitrogen/carbon/blubber exchanges.

    Paul, everybody knows that Bush uses mind-meld wikan power to control rabbits. And, I'll agree with Staci, "obamabingbangcare" is definitely a keeper. Get a copyright on it.

    Paul Mitchell...yes! See, blogging makes you smarter!

    Jim, I tried to get some clarification from The Goracle, but his office told me that he was on an important mission in "parts unknown." ...kinda' like where Skandar Akbar, and The Masked Assassins hail from...


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?