Friday, May 7, 2010

They're gonna use a nuclear bomb to stop the oil spill in the gulf!

Crud! The video got pulled by The YouTube...crap! It was funny. It was some lib chick weeping & wailing about the oil leak in the gulf, and...well, it's too much to explain.



  1. Andy, you are so inthensitive!

  2. Andy,
    The tears...the tears. Geez, there must be a thousand barrels of oil in that mascara. And it won't stop, it just keeps gushing out. Those greedy bastards at Revlon. They should be put under the jail.

  3. I saw this yesterday... it was getting a lot of play in the right-o'-sphere. Kinda reminded me of "Leave Britney ALONE!" A lot, actually.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?