Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Okay, this is what it looks like on the inside...

(This is related to the previous post)

Nancy had asked for a cut view of this mystery fruit.  So, as always, we oblige.

And, I'll tell y'all I dang near needed a hacksaw to do it.  Just sayin'...

The Mrs. was surprised, too.  She told me that she'd heard of this type of "jelly," but never had any.  So, she went looking on the worldwide computer, and sure enough, there is.  It says that normally you want to wait until after frost to harvest these things, because then they're not hard like rocks.

But these fell off.  Actually, I think it's Phil's cat that's been knocking 'em off.  She's been hanging out under that bush the last couple of days.

It looks like an apple, and there must be 40 tiny little seeds in the middle.  If nobody figures it out by tonight, I'll just post a picture of the bush, and then you will all know.  Unless you're ignurnt...


  1. Nope! It does resemble a pear, but remember TD...these are growing on a bush.

    I wish it was a Bradford Pear. Man, we had a couple of those trees on the place I grew up on. Man...those were good.

    You're gonna be surprised when I tell you what it is. Or, maybe not.

  2. Staci, you are a genius. It is indeed a quince.

    I will have to steal The Mayor's standard prize.

    You win the internet, and full access to all it's features!

  3. Oh! My! God!! (waves to crowd, lowers head to receive crown)

  4. Wait, hold the Hell up. There was a CROWN?

  5. Yeah, and there's a scepter, too.

  6. You need to announce these things in your posts. I mean, Staci practically CHEATED.

  7. TD, cheating is completely acceptable. It is, after all, the Sooner way.

  8. My, this crown sure does look lovely on me. And the scepter could be a WEAPON.....

    Andy, show your love to the Sooner.

  9. My, this crown sure does look lovely on me. And the scepter could be a WEAPON.....

    Andy, show your love to the Sooner.

  10. Had to say that twice, apparently.

  11. There's no way I woulda guessed "apple crab" if I had known there was a crown and scepter of any type.

    I hope the scepter is sharp. November 2 is almost here.

    marc in calgary

  12. Staci, you know I am an enormous Sooner fan.




    Marc, just be honest, Dude. You gave it your best shot. Actually, that was pretty interesting about the apple crab. I grew up on a place with an enormous crabapple tree. Those things are so tart they will set your teeth on edge, and it takes about four hours to pick a gallon bucket full.

    But, Momma made the best dang jelly you'd ever taste with 'em. Boiled 'em...squeezed the juice through a cloth bag, etc.

    Good memories.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?