Sunday, September 11, 2011

Last night in Baton Rouge...


I talked to a friend at work today who told me that his nephew had been down at Tiger Stadium for the LSU/Northwestern State University laugher last night. But, screw the ball game...I mean, we only scored 9 more points against the miserable Demons than we did against the miserable Ducks last week.

Anyway, he told me that his nephew said he'd never heard Tiger Stadium so quiet.  I mean, it was like you could hear a pin drop in Death Valley.  He told me about this deal that The Tiger Band did.

It's a memorial tribute to the victims of 9/11/01.  And, most especially a tribute to one of our LSU grads, Navy Lt. Michael Scott Lemana, who died that day at The Pentagon.  His family joined the band on the field as they performed.  

A Gooble Search turned up this bit of tribute from the Louisiana State Senate in 2005, too.

I wish I'd have known Lt. Lemana.  I bet he was aces up... 


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?