Friday, June 5, 2009


If you have too much excitement in your life, or are intellectually over-stimulated, then Andy's Place is the perfect spot on the world wide computer for you opposed to EVERY OTHER DAY, when this place just "shimmers" with nuggets of pyrite!

It is a glorious morning in NW Louisiana...about 60 degrees, nice breeze. It is awfully cool for June 5. That global warming deal seems to have missed Louisiana this Spring.

Firstfruit! Ooooohhhhh, my Rubbermaid storage container patio tomatoes are coming on like gangbusters! I must have 25 'maters on the vines. And lookie here...Success!!!

That bad boy is not long from the Ginsu! Probably tomorrow...maybe tonight. Success!!! I just love it when a plan comes together.

Also, Andy's Place is now officially put back together from the harrowing night that we cheated certain death. New roof on house, broken window & storm door replaced...and lookie here...

The awning guy finally got to us yesterday. That tornado really backed him up, but he finally got around to Andy's Place.

Don't it purty?

And finally, to relieve the boredom for you, let's learn another bit of Latin, shall we?

Today's Latin quote: Ense et aratro

Definition: With sword and plow. (citizen-soldier, one who serves in war and peace)

Y'all have a great Friday...and try to calm down from all the excitement going on at Andy's Place.


  1. Andi, I tried to find the latin saying and I found the saying a word short. I would add the word "digladior" which means to draw a sword or fight to the "Ense et aratro" Or as it would translate to "fight or to the plow" which is the minuteman standing with his rifle by a plow.
    Perhaps I will be the only one who cares enough and don't understand implied meanings. MUD

  2. Hey That makes more sense to me than the original. Heck, I don't know Latin. I just copy them from my future daughter-in-law's blog.

    But that would make more sense. Thanks.

  3. Very suh-weet looking mater. My control maters look purdy good this year, my experiment maters look like Nancy Pelosi in 18 years.

    On the awning, I notice that it is smooth on the soffit side, is it smooth on the top side and have you had rain on it yet?

  4. No TD, the top side is deep ridges where the 1 foot wide panels hook together...probably 3" deep. The gutter on the front hides that.

    And no has not rained yet. We shall see if I'm as proud afterward.


Don't cuss nobody out, okay?